可能好多人會問點解要整Hong Kong Brick Rail LUG樂驛地出嚟。希望以下解答到各位疑問吧。
本會,Hong Kong Brick Rail LEGO User Group (簡稱 HKBR LUG) 樂驛地是由一群樂高火車愛好者創立。成立目的是讓各位志同道合的朋友有一個交流平台,及為各位會員爭取更多利益。本會將會以樂高火車為主, 並將專注於以下事宜:
1) 舉辦不同型式的展覽,令更多人認識及提高對樂高及其火車系列的興趣。
2) 定期舉辦會員聯誼及交流活動,促進會員互相認識
3) 定期與各香港及海外的LUG進行交流,促進大家協作。
Many people asked why we have to make Hong Kong Brick Rail LUG. We hope to answer these questions below.
Our group, Hong Kong Brick Rail LEGO User Group (aka HKBR LUG) is created from and for LEGO Train AFOLs. We aim to provide a platform for Train AFOLs alike, and to gather as much resources for all members as possible. Our main focus are on LEGO Trains, plus the following:
1) Hoists different exhibitions, in order to show and help the general mass to gain knowledge and interests for LEGO trains.
2) Hoists member and ideas exchange gatherings, in order to further members knowledge and inter-exchange.
3) Exchange with every LUGs in and outside Hong Kong, and to look for potential collaborations.