樂驛地樂高同好會 將在八月十三至廿一日於九龍佐敦彌敦道 190號 三樓 舉辦名為「鐵道場景展」的場景及城市展覽。展覽同期將進行拼砌比賽。有關詳情可到以下網址參閱


地點:九龍佐敦彌敦道 190號 三樓 (港鐵佐敦站D出口,步行約1至2分鐘)(谷歌地圖連結






HKBR will be hoisting "Railway Scenery" - a scenery and city themed exhibition at 3/F, 190 Nathan Road, Jordan between August 13 till 21. Exhibition and Competition are running concurrently. Details of the building contest can be found here.

Exhibition details as follow:

Location:  3/F, 190 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Exit D, Jordan MTR Station, with a 1-2 mins walk)(google map link)

Date: August 13th until August 21st

Time: 12pm until 8:30pm

We welcome all enthusiasts to visit and interact with our members.

We are also asking for all AFOLs wanting to exhibit their city themed creations, or to assist throughout the exhibition to send us a message and related photos for consideration.


Year of the Pig Tracks




樂驛地於每個農曆新年,均會舉辦一年一度的 大運轉,讓各同好能帶同閣下的列車到場轉大運。由於新冠疫情影響,本年的大運轉已由2020年2月15及16日改為10月24至26日舉行*。


現正收集各同好對此次大運轉軌道規劃的投稿。投稿截止日期為1月20日,投稿者將有機會得到豐富樂高組合獎品。 投稿詳情如下:

  1. 軌道的編排必須以Blue Brick 這程式編寫(Blue Brick支援網站)。其他程式恕不接受 (可在此下載程式)

  2. 所編寫的軌道必須與農曆新年有關 (詳情可參閱文章內,往年等圖片)

  3. 整個軌道編排必須能展示在 8米 x 16米 的範圍內

  4. 比賽須使用樂高的火車路軌進行設計,第三方出廠的路軌均不會接納

  5. 被選中的設計將得到豐富的樂高組合獎品,並於2月15及16日於JCCAC中庭 展出。

  6. 完成的設計可將圖案放到本會面書群組內,分享給各同好。於面書中必需包括 「#鼠年大運轉軌道佈置賽」於內文 。

  7. Blue Brick的原檔則必須以電郵方式傳送至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  8. 投稿者必須為 樂驛地樂高同好會的會員。會員申請方法可參考此連結

 如有爭議,本會保留一切最終決定權。註*:同期將在會場旁的展覽廳舉行香港第一屆的 香港拼砌博覽 2020,歡迎所有同好到場參觀。


樂驛地樂高同好會 將在五月四至七日再於石硤尾賽馬會創意藝術中心舉辦名為「彩色城市」的城市展覽。展覽同期將進行拼砌比賽。有關詳情可到以下網址參閱


地點:九龍石硤尾白田街30號 (港鐵石硤尾站C出口,步行約5至8分鐘)(谷歌地圖連結






HKBR will be hoisting "Chromatic City" - another city themed exhibition at JCCAC in Shek Kep Mei between May 4 till 7. Exhibition and Competition are running concurrently. Details of the building contest can be found here.

Exhibition details are as follow:

Location:  30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong (MTR Shek Kip Mei Station Exit C, 5-8 mins walk)(google map link)

Date: May 4th until May 7th

Time: 10am until 10pm (Opens at 3pm on May 4th, Closes at 7pm on May 7th)

We welcome all enthusiasts to visit and interact with our members.

We are also asking for all AFOLs wanting to exhibit their city themed creations, or to assist throughout the exhibition to send us a message and related photos for consideration.