Membership Application 會員申請



1.  可獲得一張印有會員編號的會員證。
2.  可優先參與本會活動。
3.  可享用本會會員福利。






1. 填寫下面資料以索取網上申請表
2. 根據詳情填妥網上報名表格
3. 傳回會員費的入數資料

你的申請將由管理員審查,請耐心等候,同時註冊代表你同意 樂驛地 的宗旨,並會協助 發展樂驛地。

in order to aid direct communications within our LUG members, to further develop and to acquire benefits for our LUG members, we are now starting our HKBR LUG member registration process.

Benefits include:

1. receive a numbered membership card.
2. priority to join all HKBR activities.
3. receive established HKBR benefits.


Application Criteria:

Opens to everyone.

Membership Fees:

$20 Hong Kong Dollars per year for administrative purposes.

Application procedures:

1. fill in the below information to acquire application form
2. complete the application forms in details
3. Attach detail of the membership fee transfer

By completing the application form,  you are agreeing to the Purpose and will assist in the Development of HKBR.

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